
Marie Yoshida Book Foreword



All adults face personal hardships – from grief and loss due to the death of a close relative, to the trauma associated with violence in childhood, to ongoing conflict with a spouse about finances, parenting, sexual intimacy and relationship satisfaction. In these situations and others like them, many people reach out to psychiatrists for help, or consider doing so. Psychiatry is well known; it is and has been helpful for many. Though, many people have reported that psychiatric intervention did not adequately address their particular needs, or they did not seek psychiatric services due to their uncertainty about it, doubt about its usefulness, and concern about the sigma that often surrounds it.


In this important book written for the general public, Marie Yoshida introduces an alternative to psychiatry for people who are encountering personal problems. Ms. Yoshida draws on her training, extensive experience as a counselor, and her knowledge of Japanese culture as she shares her views about the usefulness of marriage and family therapy. She compares and contrasts family therapy and psychiatry and encourages the reader to consider marriage and family therapy as a useful option for support and change when faced with certain personal hardships.


The book is both theoretical and practical. Ms. Yoshida succinctly summarizes the core principles of family therapy, including systems theory, communication theory, and Bowen Family Therapy, and brings them to life with examples drawn from her clinical practice and the practice of well-known and highly regarded family therapists. A central theme of the book is that family therapy places emphasis on changing ones response in relationship patterns as a pathway toward meaningful change. She writes:


Clients [benefit from] learning a new relationship pattern based on new views of human relationships. The more they learn new relationship patterns, the more so-called symptoms disappear.


Ms. Yoshida critiques modern psychiatry, and argues that its narrow emphasis on “care for the mind” and a search for cause and pathology is a much too narrow view for supporting lasting change in many situations. This view is akin, she suggests, to “examining with a microscope” a series of problems and circumstances that are often much more likely resolved by taking a “broad view of things,” i.e., by “valuing a picture of the whole above the details.”


The goal of individual therapy, she writes, is different from the overall goal of marriage and family therapy: “The goal of individual therapy is behavioral change followed by cognitive changes. In family therapy, on the other hand, the goal of therapy is obtaining new patterns of how to relate to others based on understanding current patterns of relationship, in addition to changes in thoughts and beliefs.”


Through metaphor, examples, and clear illustrations, Ms. Yoshida helps the reader to see a picture of what marriage and family therapy looks like in practice. She does this both by summarizing research and clinical literature and by openly sharing her work, personal perspective, and reasons for believing that family therapy is a promising option for many people. This book is a wonderful first step toward considering whether family therapy is a good option for you and people in your life.







第1章  家族についての一般論


第2章 個人療法と家族療法の比較



第3章 ボウエン家族システム療法
















(拙著 p. 196より)